About Sarah

She’s an overly obsessed geek, especially when it comes to TV shows and certain book or movie franchises.

A lover of cats and all things Tom Hiddleston, if given a choice, she would opt for a decent card game over a SEPHORA gift card any day.

When she’s not doing anything remotely important with her life, she seeks refuge and comfort online by reading about the woes of others like her on the Internet along with tonnes of time spent reading up on the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Game of Thrones, Sherlock and Doctor Who.

She rarely tweets or pins, but is almost always tethered to the cyber sphere one way or another be it through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or the classic electronic mail.

She also enjoys taking photos with her Canon EOS M10 here and there and might sometimes post it up on Instagram when she feels like indulging in the artistic side of herself. At other times, her time is rather well spent on Youtube.

A follower of Christ although with the inner workings of a realist, there are times where she wishes to be more of a dreamer of improbable dreams and a hoper of far-flung hopes.

Self-deemed socially awkward and a poor adapter to new environments, she wishes everyday for mercy to come upon her in this cruel and vast world.

Encompassing all that, she is more or less, just an ordinary girl wishing to share with you some parts of her everyday Malaysian life in this cyberspace – in hopes to preserve every precious moment of it.

She’s currently pursuing her Bachelor of Education Teaching of English as a Second Language at the University of Malaya, Malaysia.

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